Human-Animal Marriage Legal In American State Paul Horner with his dog Mac at their wedding Kentucky Republican, and heroic champion of limited government, Rand Paul had June last year expressed worry gay marriage will lead to marriages between humans and non-humans. It was at the time regarded as the world’s most insulting, ignorant, and nonsensical argument against gay marriage, but whether it was nonsensical or not, a man was joined with his dog in holy matrimony months later. Paul had said, “It is difficult because if we have no laws on this people take it to one extension further,” Paul said. “Does it have to be humans?” Apparently realising the backlash following his comment could do more bad than good, Paul called backsies on the comments later in the day. “I don’t think it will be with multiple humans, and I think it will be human and human,” Paul clarified on Fox News. Marriage will remain “human and human.” Like he was prophesying, 35-year-old Pa...
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