On the 4th of February 2014 Mr. Oni Oboh went about his usual business as a photographer, little did he know that he is going capture a scenario that will change his life forever even that of his entire family. A photograph that in an advance society would have given him a pulitzer award but the situation was far from what one would have expected it to be.

On that fateful day Mr. Oni Oboh capture a scene of some men beating up another man who eventually died as a result of the beating and he brought out his camera to capture the situation since he could not  be of any help. Unfortunate someone saw him and boom! he ran for his life. Believing that he has escaped the assailants, he went home to meet his family. The following day he went to the police station and lodge a complain but the police in their usual manner promised to investigate the issue but never did. Threat suddenly started coming from different angles that he should bring the photos he took to a certain place else he will be eliminated and his family, truth to it, on the 10th of February 2014, just 6 days after the incident the assailant got to his home and brutally murdered Mr. Oni and burnt his house.  His wife, daughter and son were said to have  escaped, but till date nothing have been heard of them. As at this moment of this report, his son, daughter and wife has not been seen either.

Human Right Organisation took the matter up and tried locating the fled family of Mr.Oni and all to no avail.

We use this open documentation to call on the attention of the state government and the security agency to as a matter of urgency investigate this issue and bring all the perpetrators to book.


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